Santa Cruz Wharf
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

* Quick HAB Observations *
– Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
– Alexandrium: Common
– Dinophysis: None
– Margalefidinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and warm at the wharf this morning. There was a bait ball under the wharf as well as lots of CSL and bird activity. Phytoplankton biomass decreased again this week and the net tow assemblage was mostly dinoflagellates due to a decrease in diatoms. Alexandrium and Prorocentrum were the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were delicatissima size and there were noticeably less cells than last week. No Pn were detected in the probed counts and Alexandrium cell concentration dropped by an order or magnitude.
C: Alexandrium
C: Prorocentrum
P: Protoperidinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Gymnodinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
C: Navicula
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Pleurosigma
P: Lauderia
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Thalassiosira
R: Guinardia
R: Eucampia
R: Chaetoceros
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Entomoneis
R: Licmophora
R: Detonula
R: Paralia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Actinoptychus
R: Thalassionema
R: Asteromphalus
R: Unknown flagellate
R: Cluster-flagellate
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:05 am
Collector: K. Negrey
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.4 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 6:22, -0.5 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 1-2 ft
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 61.2 F (16.2 C)
Wind: 3 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 302 watts/m^2
Monterey Wharf II
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

* Quick HAB Observations *
– Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
– Alexandrium: Rare
– Dinophysis: Rare
– Margalefidinium: Rare
* Impressions *
The wharf this morning was warm and sunny. The surface of the water was calm but there was a slight breeze. Fog lined the horizon. Note: the phytoplankton samples were collected with a 50 uM mesh net this week. The water this week was the same color as last week with a visibility of 5.5m. Chlorophyll visually decreased from last week. Diatoms dominated the water column. Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima was abundant. Thalassiosira was common. Chaetoceros was present. The HAB species that were observed in the water this morning included Pseudo-nitzschia, Alexandrium, Dinophysis, Cochlodinium, and Akashiwo sanguinea.
R: Akashiwo sanguinea
R: Prorocentrum spp.
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Ceratium spp.
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Cochlodinium spp.
R: Oxyphysis
R: Pyrophacus spp.
R: Amylax
P: Chaetoceros spp.
C: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
A: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Bacillaria spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Cerataulina spp.
R: Detonula spp.
R: Striatella spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Entomoneis
R: Lioloma
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
R: Oligiotrich
* Environmental Information *
TIME: 0731 PT
COLLECTOR: Hannah McGrath
Water Temperature: 13.9°C
Water Conditions: calm/ low tide
Water Color: 5Y 2/2
Visibility: 5.5 m
Tide: Rising, 0.06 m, high at 1243 h
Sky: sunny/ clear skies, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 14.44°C
Wind: offline, 1.34 m/S
Rare (R): <1% ~~~ Present (P): 1 – 9% ~~~ Common (C): 10 – 49% ~~~ Abundant (A): >= 50%