Santa Cruz Wharf
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

* Quick HAB Observations *
– Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
– Alexandrium: None
– Dinophysis: Present
– Margalefidinium: None
* Impressions *
Cold and sunny at the wharf this morning with a bait ball in the area. Net tow remains mostly detritus/debris and phytoplankton biomass decreased this week (P=2cells). Diatoms remain the dominant group, but phytoplankton diversity decreased. The assemblage shifted slightly and Thalassiosira and Skeletonema were the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata-size, but none were detected in the probed counts.
P: Ceratium
P: Dinophysis
P: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
C: Thalassiosira
C: Skeletonema
C: Chaetoceros
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Lauderia
P: Paralia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Licmophora
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 7:45 am
Collector: A. Trapp
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 9.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 2/4 (#30)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 12:02, 1.1 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 3-4
NDBC buoy 46284
– Significant wave height: 1.0 m
– Swell height/direction: 0.9 m, WSW
– Wind wave height/direction: 0.2 m, WSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 38.3 F (3.5 C)
Wind: 8 mph, W
Solar radiation: 50 watts/m^2
Monterey Wharf II
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

* Quick HAB Observations *
– Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
– Alexandrium: Rare
– Dinophysis: Rare
– Margalefidinium: None
* Impressions *
The wharf this morning was sunny but chilly with a slight breeze. The surface of the water was wavy. The water this week was bluer than last week with a visibility >5.0m. Diatoms dominated the water column. Chaetoceros was abundant in the water. Thalassiosira was common. Detonula was present. The HAB species that were observed in the water this morning included Pseudo-nitzschia, Alexandrium, and Dinophysis.
R: Prorocentrum spp.
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Ceratium spp.
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp.
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Pyrophacus spp.
R: Amylax
A: Chaetoceros spp.
C: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
P: Detonula spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Entomoneis
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
R: Oligiotrich
* Environmental Information *
TIME: 0804 PT
COLLECTOR: Hannah McGrath
Water Temperature: 11.5°C
Water Conditions: rough waves
Water Color: 10G 2/6
Visibility: 5.0 m
Tide: Falling, 1.01 m, low at 1213 h
Sky: sunny/ clear skies, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 7.78°C
Wind: offline, 4.02m/S
Rare (R): <1% ~~~ Present (P): 1 – 9% ~~~ Common (C): 10 – 49% ~~~ Abundant (A): >= 50%