Santa Cruz Wharf
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
* Quick HAB Observations *
– Pseudo-nitzschia: None
– Alexandrium: None
– Dinophysis: None
– Margalefidinium: None
* Impressions *
Another cool and sunny morning at the wharf and a small bait ball was hanging out near the sampling area. Net tow was similar to last week – mostly detritus/debris and low phytoplankton biomass and diversity. The assemblage shifted a little and was mostly Tripos/Ceratium this week. No Pseudo-nitzschia or Alexandrium were observed.
A: Tripos/Ceratium
C: Prorocentrum
R: Akashiwo
R: Protoperidinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Lingulodinium
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Thalassiosira
R: Odontella
R: Paralia
R: Actinoptychus
R: Proboscia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: M. Conci
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.7 C|
Water Conditions: Small swell
Water Color/Code: Brown/green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 11:24, 5.6 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 5-8 ft
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 49.1 F (9.5 C)
Wind: 6 mph, W
Solar radiation: 230 watts/m^2
Monterey Wharf II
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
* Quick HAB Observations *
– Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
– Alexandrium: None
– Dinophysis: Present
– Margalefidinium: None
* Impressions *
The wharf this morning was sunny with blue skies. It was a chilly morning with a slight breeze. There were no boats docked near the wharf. The surface of the water was wavy. The water this week was slightly greener than last week with a visibility of 4.0m. Chlorophyll decreased from last week. There was not a lot of phytoplankton in the water. Dinoflagellates dominated the water column. Ceratium was abundant in the water. Dinophysis and Grammatophora were present. The HAB species that were observed in the water this morning included Pseudo-nitzschia and Dinophysis.
R: Prorocentrum spp.
P: Dinophysis spp.
A: Ceratium spp.
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Pyrocystis lunula
R: Amylax
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Detonula spp.
P: Grammatophora
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
R: Oligiotrich
* Environmental Information *
TIME: 0802 PT
COLLECTOR: Hannah McGrath
Water Temperature: 12.7°C
Water Conditions: wavy
Water Color: 5G 2/6
Visibility: 4.0 m
Tide: Rising, 1.19 m, high at 1130 h
Sky: sunny/ clear skies, 5% cloud
Air Temperature: 12.22°C
Wind: offline, 4.02 m/S
Rare (R): <1% ~~~ Present (P): 1 – 9% ~~~ Common (C): 10 – 49% ~~~ Abundant (A): >= 50%