Santa Cruz Wharf
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

* Quick HAB Observations *
– Pseudo-nitzschia: None
– Alexandrium: Rare
– Dinophysis: Common
– Margalefidinium: None
* Impressions *
The marine layer was pretty thick at the wharf this morning (could barely see Cowells) and this week’s sample was collected in the bait ball. The net tow was mostly dinoflagellates and phytoplankton biomass increased this week. The Little Round Ball (LRB) was the most abundant this week, but Dinophysis, Oxyphysis, and Polykrikos had elevated RAI calls as well. A handful of Alexandrium cells were seen in the net tow, but none were detected in the probed counts.
C: Prorocentrum
C: Dinophysis
C: Oxyphysis
C: Polykrikos
P: Akashiwo
P: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Heterocapsa
R: Scrippsiella
R: Boreadinium
R: Pyrophacus
P: Guinardia
P: Eucampia
P: Dactyliosolen
R: Pleurosigma
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Licmophora
R: Asteromphalus
P: Unknown flagellate
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 8:49, 3.6 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 1-2 ft
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast/marine layer
Air Temperature: 54.3 F (12.4 C)
Wind: 4 mph, N
Solar radiation: 156 watts/m^2
Monterey Wharf II
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

* Quick HAB Observations *
– Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
– Alexandrium: None
– Dinophysis: None
– Margalefidinium: Present
* Impressions *
While our intrepid sampler Hannah is enjoying some vacation, her back-up (Holly) went to the wharf this morning. The marine layer was breaking up ~9am, only to re-form by ~9:55am while departing the wharf. Waters were calm and there was a small hint of crisp fall air. The net tow population was quite healthy, with a variety of diatoms and dinoflagellates (apologies, only a HAB-centric RAI was performed this week) – Hannah will be back next week with full assessments. Cochlodinium, Akashiwo sanguinea and Pseudo-nitzschia (seriata and deli-size classes) were present – note, this is based on a 50 micron tow (we hope to be back to our 20 micron tows next week).
* Environmental Information *
TIME: 0910 PT
COLLECTOR: Holly Bowers
Water Temperature: 16°C
Water Conditions: calm waves
Water Color: 5Y 2/2
Visibility: 2.5 m
Tide: Rising, 1.19 m, high at 0853 h
Sky: sunny/ clear skies, 60% fog
Air Temperature: 16°C
Wind: 2.24 m/S
Rare (R): <1% ~~~ Present (P): 1 – 9% ~~~ Common (C): 10 – 49% ~~~ Abundant (A): >= 50%